Bay Bloor Endodontics
Root Canal Treatment
Endodontic Services
Root Canal Treatment
in Toronto
Root canal treatment or root canal therapy—also referred to as non-surgical endodontic treatment—involves the diagnosis and treatment of the soft tissue within each tooth, called the dental pulp. In the case where the pulp is deemed irreversibly damaged or infected, then it needs to be removed.

The Root Canal Procedure
Root canal therapy is a safe and effective alternative to tooth extraction. First, the damaged tissue is removed. Then, the root canal system is cleaned, disinfected, and shaped to accept an inert rubber filling to take the place of the pulp and occupy its space. This way, the natural tooth can be maintained and restored to function for long-lasting comfort.
After the Root Canal Procedure
Once the procedure is complete, your natural tooth will be preserved, and the root system will be sealed off. This provides relief from any ongoing pain or irritation you felt before the treatment. While the natural tooth stays intact, a dental crown will often be recommended to strengthen the remaining natural tooth and improve aesthetics.
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